Check out who we are and what we stand for. Do we vibe with each other? :)
About Klook
We are Asia’s leading platform for experiences and travel services, and we believe that we can help bring the world closer together through experiences.
Founded in 2014 by 3 avid travelers, Ethan Lin, Eric Gnock Fah and Bernie Xiong, Klook inspires and enables more moments of joy for travelers with over half a million curated quality experiences ranging from the biggest attractions to paragliding adventures, iconic museums to rich cultural tours, and other convenient local travel services across 2,700 destinations around the world.
Do you share our belief in the wonders of travel? Our international community of over 1,800 employees, based in 30+ locations, certainly do! Global citizens ourselves, Klookers are not only curating memorable experiences for others but also co-creating our world of joy within Klook.
We work hard and play hard, upkeeping our high-performing culture as we are guided daily by our 6 core values:
Customer First
Push Boundaries
Critical Thinking
Build for Scale
Less is More
Win as One
We never settle, and together, we believe in achieving greater heights and realizing endless possibilities ahead of us in the dynamic new era of travel. Care to be a part of this revolution? Join us!
고객 문의 및 불만사항에 대한 전화, 온라인 채팅 및/또는 이메일 응대 및 처리
모든 고객 문의/이슈/불만을 회사의 절차와 규정에 따라 해결
어렵고 복잡한 문제를 파악하여 상위 팀원에게 보고
고객에 대해 긍정적이고 감정적이며 전문적인 태도 유지
고객 상호작용, 거래, 의견 및 불만을 회사 시스템에 정확하게 입력, 업데이트 및 유지
회사의 절차와 규정, 활동 조건 및 조건에 따라 적절한 예약 변경을 통해 고객 요청 및 문제 해결
외부 공급업체 및 서비스 운영자와 협력하여 고객의 예약 변경을 수행
회사의 절차와 규정을 최신 상태로 유지하고 고객 피드백을 유관부서와 공유 및 개선
[필수] 신입 & 졸업예정자 지원 가능
[우대] CS, 고객센터 경력자, 문제해결 능력 & 효과적인 커뮤니케이션 능력 보유자
[우대] Business E-mailing 가능자 (영어 가능자 우대)
고용형태 : 정규직 (3개월 수습기간, 수습기간 동안 급여 100% 지급 예정)
근무장소 : 서울시 광화문역 인근
근무시간 : Shift 근무 (주말/공휴일 포함 주 5일 배정, 매월 스케쥴링 예정)
Ⅰ. 9:00 ~ 18:00 / 9:30 ~ 18:30中 일 8시간 근무, 1시간 휴게시간 별도
Ⅱ. 주말근무 시 주중에 대체휴일 배정
급여조건 : 경력 별 협의 예정 (면접 후 결정), 고정급 외 분기 성과 인센티브 별도 / 신입기준 초봉 3,200만원 이상
복리후생 : 내부 Training 교육, 4대보험, 연차휴가, 퇴직금, 경조휴가 등 기타 내규에 따름
종합건강검진 연 1회, 임직원 사용포인트, 단체보험 (건강보험)
Klook is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We hire talented and passionate people of all backgrounds. We believe that a joyful workplace is an inclusive workplace, one where employees from all walks of life have an equal opportunity to thrive. We’re dedicated to creating a welcoming and supportive culture where everyone belongs.
Klook does not accept unsolicited resumes from any temporary staffing agency, placement service or professional recruiter (“Agency”). Klook will not be responsible for, and will not pay, any fees, commissions or other payments related to such unsolicited resumes.
An Agency must obtain advance written approval from Klook’s Talent Acquisition Team to submit resumes, and then only in conjunction with a valid fully-executed agreement for service and in response to a specific job opening for which the Agency has been requested to submit resumes for. Klook will not be responsible for, and will not pay, any fees, commissions or other payments to any Agency that does not have such agreement in place or does not comply with the foregoing.
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Team Leader, Customer Experience (English Team) | R-4342 | Kuala Lumpur | Kuala Lumpur | Customer Experience | About Klook We are Asia’s leading platform for experiences and travel services, and we believe that we can help bring the world closer together through experiences. Founded in 2014 by 3 avid travelers, Ethan Lin, Eric Gnock Fah and Bernie Xiong... | Full Time | ||||
[Stay Vertical] Manager, Business Development | R-4274 | Phuket | Thailand | Sales & Business Development | About Klook We are Asia’s leading platform for experiences and travel services, and we believe that we can help bring the world closer together through experiences. Founded in 2014 by 3 avid travelers, Ethan Lin, Eric Gnock Fah and Bernie Xiong... | Full Time | ||||
[Stay Vertical] Associate Manager, Business Development | R-4077 | Kuala Lumpur | Kuala Lumpur | Sales & Business Development | About Klook We are Asia’s leading platform for experiences and travel services, and we believe that we can help bring the world closer together through experiences. Founded in 2014 by 3 avid travelers, Ethan Lin, Eric Gnock Fah and Bernie Xiong... | Full Time | ||||
Specialist, Customer Experience (English Speaker) | R-4343 | Kuala Lumpur | Malaysia | Kuala Lumpur | Customer Experience | About Klook We are Asia’s leading platform for experiences and travel services, and we believe that we can help bring the world closer together through experiences. Founded in 2014 by 3 avid travelers, Ethan Lin, Eric Gnock Fah and Bernie Xiong... | Full Time | |||
Senior Associate, Japan Merchant Success | R-4330 | Tokyo | Japan | Tokyo | Sales & Business Development | About Klook We are Asia’s leading platform for experiences and travel services, and we believe that we can help bring the world closer together through experiences. Founded in 2014 by 3 avid travelers, Ethan Lin, Eric Gnock Fah and Bernie Xiong... | Full Time | |||
Associate,Pre-Booking | R-4338 | Shenzhen | Shenzhen | About Klook We are Asia’s leading platform for experiences and travel services, and we believe that we can help bring the world closer together through experiences. Founded in 2014 by 3 avid travelers, Ethan Lin, Eric Gnock Fah and Bernie Xiong... | Full Time |
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